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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Choose Whom You Will Trust 12/01/19 Choose Whom You Will Trust Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 120119_ChooseWhomYouWillTrust_JeremySweets.mp3
The Challenges of Living in a Prosperous Country 11/24/19 The Challenges of Living in a Prosperous Country Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 112417_ChallengesInAProsperousCountry_JeremySweets.mp3
Give Glory To God 11/17/19 Give Glory To God Conrad Harkrider Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 111719_GiveGlorytoGod_ConradHarkrider.mp3
Are the Dead Conscious? 11/10/19 Are the Dead Conscious? Mike Roy Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 111019_AretheDeadConscious_MikeRoy.mp3
The Role of Conscience 11/03/19 The Role of Conscience Conrad Harkrider Sermon N/A Sunday Evening 110319_Conscience_ConradHarkrider.mp3
Conversions in Acts 11/03/19 Conversions in Acts Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 110319_ConversionsInActs_JeremySweets.mp3
The Seasons of a Christian 10/27/19 The Seasons of a Christian Jeremy McNatt Sermon N/A Sunday Evening 102719_TheSeasonsofaChristian_JeremyMcNatt.mp3
Going Against the Grain 10/27/19 Going Against the Grain Conrad Harkrider Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 102719_GoingAgainsttheGrain_ConradHarkrider.mp3
The Thunderous Voice of God 10/20/19 The Thunderous Voice of God Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Evening 102019_ThunderousVoiceofGod_JeremySweets.mp3
Love That Stands Out 10/20/19 Love That Stands Out Conrad Harkrider Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 102019_LoveThatStandsOut_ConradHarkrider.mp3
United In the Resurrection 10/13/19 United In the Resurrection Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 101319_UnitedInTheResurrection_JeremySweets.mp3
Our Confidence as a Christian 10/06/19 Our Confidence as a Christian Kevin Stinson Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 100619_Confidence_KevinStinson.mp3
Like Walking Trees 09/29/19 Like Walking Trees Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Evening 092919_LikeWalkingTrees_JeremySweets.mp3
Faith Comes From Hearing 09/29/19 Faith Comes From Hearing Conrad Harkrider Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 092919_FaithComesFromHearing_ConradHarkrider.mp3
How Paul Dealt With Suffering 09/22/19 How Paul Dealt With Suffering Gilbert Booher Sermon N/A Sunday Evening 092219_HowPaulDealtWithSuffering_GilbertBooher.mp3
Knowledge of God 09/22/19 Knowledge of God Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 092219_KnowledgeofGod_JeremySweets.mp3
Counter Cultural Salvation: Truth and Love, God's Way 09/20/19 Counter Cultural Salvation: Truth and Love, God's Way Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Gospel Meeting 092019_CounterCulturalSalvation_FredericGray.mp3
Counter Cultural Community: One God, one Lord, one faith, one body, many races??? 09/19/19 Counter Cultural Community: One God, one Lord, one faith, one body, many races??? Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Gospel Meeting 091919_CounterCulturalCommunity_FredericGray.mp3
Counter Cultural Marraige: Our great hope, Satan's great attack. 09/18/19 Counter Cultural Marraige: Our great hope, Satan's great attack. Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Gospel Meeting 091819_CounterCulturalMarriage_FredericGray.mp3
Counter Cultural Communication: God's vehicle of hope. 09/17/19 Counter Cultural Communication: God's vehicle of hope. Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Gospel Meeting 091719_CounterCulturalCommunication_FredericGray.mp3
Counter Cultural Entertainment: Navigating Satan's big allure. 09/16/19 Counter Cultural Entertainment: Navigating Satan's big allure. Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Gospel Meeting 091619_CounterCulturalEntertainment_FredericGray.mp3
Counter Cultural Parenting: When does love become hate? 09/15/19 Counter Cultural Parenting: When does love become hate? Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Sunday Evening 091519_CounterCulturalParenting_FredericGray.mp3
Counter Cultural Christ: The upside down deity. 09/15/19 Counter Cultural Christ: The upside down deity. Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Sunday Morning 091519_CounterCulturalChrist_FredericGray.mp3
How To Think Like A Christian 09/15/19 How To Think Like A Christian Frederic Gray Counter Cultural Christianity Counter Cultural Christianity Sunday Bible Study 091519_ThinkLikeAChristian_FredericGray.mp3
Made To Be Filled 09/08/19 Made To Be Filled Mike Roy Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 090819_MadeToBeFilled_MikeRoy.mp3
Neither Poverty Nor Riches: Proverbs 30:5-9 09/01/19 Neither Poverty Nor Riches: Proverbs 30:5-9 Conrad Harkrider Sermon N/A Sunday Evening 090119_NeitherPovertyNorRiches_ConradHarkrider.mp3
Bearing Burdens 09/01/19 Bearing Burdens Jeremy Sweets Sermon N/A Sunday Morning 090119_BearingBurdens_JeremySweets.mp3

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